Aims and Beliefs
Statement of beliefs
We believe that the languages of our communities are the rightful heritage of our children, linking them to their extended families and their birth communities and cultures.
We believe that to be a member of two or more speech communities is an experience that is personally enriching for the individual and of great value for the wider community as a whole: the ability to speak two or more languages gives the individual invaluable personal resources for communication and expression, and brings to them a greater understanding of the diversity of human cultures and human communication.
Our bilingual children have a vital contribution to make to society today and are a significant indicator of this country’s commitment to value cultural diversity.
Our Aims
Our Group is open to parents of children who use more than one language and to individuals who have been raised in a multilingual environment.
Our aim is to promote, foster, encourage and celebrate linguistic and cultural diversity within the London Borough of Waltham Forest and beyond.
To achieve that aim we will support parents raising their children bilingually by
- Celebrating all attempts to pass on to their children their linguistic and cultural heritage;
- Encouraging the raising of children to speak more than one language among families who have the opportunity;
- Promoting contact between parents of different language backgrounds for mutual support and advice;
- Bringing a particular support to members from ethnic and/or linguistic backgrounds who find themselves without a peer group;
- Seeking out information and opportunities relating to raising children bilingually and informing group members and other interested parties;
- Seeking out information about best practice in the field of bilingualism and disseminating it to group members and other interested parties;
- Promoting and fostering understanding about the languages of group members and their status, about the situation of their speakers, and so promote a greater understanding of linguistic diversity.
We will endeavour to reach out to all sectors of the community and to welcome all multilingual families to join our group by publicising our group and its meetings, and ensuring open access for all.